You don't Have to Do it Alone

Working on your health and overall lifestyle can be a challenging process. Having a group to stand by your side through the workouts and trials helps the process become more fun. It also helps to encourage you when you are down or get start feeling like you’re in a bit of the slump. Together, we can accomplish all of your biggest goals.


Group Class Unlimited

Group fitness is the soul of grounded.

It’s where women can come together to sweat, experience growth, and find true, non-judgemental community. 

The unlimited membership is auto-renewing each month, but requires zero contract (We simply ask for 30-days notice of cancellation).

Classes are currently capped at 12. This is for the safety and intention of moving with correct form and protecting our muscles and joints. Our heart is to be able to provide as much individual instruction to our clients, even amidst a group setting.

 Unlimited members claim first priority for class bookings, and will avoid waitlisted classes. They also receive 10% off Grounded Events.


4 / 8 Class Pack

The four or eight class pack is perfect for individuals who want to attend a few group classes per month. It’s good for members who are apart of other fitness clubs, or commercial gyms, but still want to attend once or twice a week. Class packs are eligible for 30 days following purchase, and will NOT auto-renew each month.

Classes are currently capped at 12. This is for the safety and intention of moving with correct form and protecting our muscles and joints.

Our heart is to be able to provide as much individual instruction to our clients, even amidst a group setting.

$50 (4 Class Pack)

$110 (8 class pack)


Upcoming Group Calendar


45 min. [infrared heated] class designed to get your muscles activated for growth and tone.

Intense, purposeful strength training is the focus, but we won’t forget about your accessory muscles either. Class style ranges per instructor, but the focus remains the same–we come to GROW.

Supersets, circuts, group style mat work, HIIT training (+ more), are the styles you will see in this class.


This 45 min. [Infrared heated] yoga flow+ accesory work to increase flexibillity, strength, and power through faster-paced yoga sequences, use of resistance bands, and light dumbells.

This class ends with savasana/ mindset work/ and deep breathing, but the overall pace of the class is higher intensity. This class is designed for moderate-to-advanced clients, but modifications are always provided for beginners.


60 min. [infrared heated] class offering the best of FLOW and GROW. The first 30 minutes are dedicated to yoga + deep stretching, and the latter half of class is designed around resistance training and cardio movements, that will ignite your connective tissues, and all five major muscle groups.


45 min. [infrared heated] traditional YIN + savasana to increase flexibility, strength, and fluidity in the body. This class is intense in its own way, but provides it through a spirit of relaxation by detoxing your muscles. 

 This class is great for beginner to advanced members, but a great place to start if you are new to yoga. All styles of yoga from Hot Yin & Yang, Vinyasa, Hatha, and Traditional Yin are practiced in this class.


In SOMA [45 min-infrared heated class], we embrace the nourishing practice of restorative yin poses, allowing you to surrender deeply into each posture and unravel tension from your body and mind. Through gentle yet profound movements, we explore the power of total body somatic exercises, guiding you towards a profound sense of embodiment and awareness.

Meditation, scripture reading and prayer infuse each session with divine wisdom and intention, inviting you to cultivate a deeper spiritual connection and find solace in the sacred words of the Bible.


See the Transformations

What are the biggest expectations of me, as a Grounded client?

There will be bad weeks, and unexpected life events that come up and try to derail you from your goals. My expectation is that we stick together through the celebrations and the rough patches all the same. There is no shame or judgment in this space, but rather a place for you to feel safe to deeper explore your mind, soul, and body and talk through the obstacles that might be holding you back in your health. As your coach, I’m on your team and there is often way more to learn and grow through on the hard weeks, than the ones that feel like a breeze.

What makes Grounded different from other gyms out there?

INFRARED HEAT BABY! And no–don’t think Sauna! You’ll find hot yoga studios all over, but Grounded is the sole Weight-Training Gym in the area that provides infrared heat. It heats up the muscles from the inside out, creating the perfect recipe for sweat, detox, and body transformation. It's also our mission to educate our clients and help them build knowledge that stays with them, instead of relying on a coach for everything. In the beginning it's a learning process and we walk hand-in-hand, but our goal is that there will come a point where you don't NEED us anymore, but love it so much you never want to leave! The hope is you will be able to walk into the grocery store or gym, and feel grounded in your choices and plan of action!

Do I have to live locally to work with you?

Absolutely not! We wish you were here, but if you still want to be a part of Grounded, there’s an online-training program and access to a weekly-women’s accountability group, to give you all the tools, resources, and community you need to succeed in your health journey! You’ll feel like we’re right there with you every week! In upcoming months be on the lookout for the online platform we are releasing so you never miss a workout with us right from the comfort of your home, and in your flexible time!


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